The best drink of water that I ever had was when I was about 8 years old. I was sick and had a fever. Mother took me and my brothers to the doctor. (I don't know whether my brothers were sick, but there was nobody to watch them, so when one of us went on a trip, we all went.) The doctor was in another town. i didn't want to go because I feared getting a shot. I became very thirsty on the trip and there was also the wait in the waiting room. After I was examined and the doctor was discussing my condition with my mother I asked for a drink of water. The nurse, Mrs. Wakefield, took a glass jar out of the refrigerator where medicines were stored. There was a glass sitting upside down over the top of the jar. She poured water in that glass and gave it to me. It was such a good glass of water than I decided that I didn't care if I got a shot.