Name:Ryan Grey
Height:5' 3"
Body Type:Thin
Skin Color:Tan
Parents:Trevaus and Cella Grey (xD)
Country of Origin:Usa
Pets:An old dog named Rover(Gift from Uncle Ryan)
Talents:Surf and Archery
Weapon:wand and staff
Flaws:Shy, is calstrophobic, afraid of heights
Type Of Magician (ex: healer):follows the path of Ra
Life Before Magician life:When he was born he spent a lot of time with a sitter. At about age 5 he would go to some camp he can't remeber anything though. Then one day at age 8 his parents disappeared. He went to live with his uncle Ryan. He found the tapes in his new locker at school.
RP Example*:I sigh. Here we go again I think.I summon my tools and stand ready. I say "For Ra"and run toward them. They look at me as if I had spoken a foreign language. I suddenly realize I had spoken Latin. I throw my wand at them bouncing off each of their heads. I throw my staff which explodes into a flash of light.
Any notes about your characters:Has connection with other gods that he's not aware of.